This Field Guide is a companion to the Inter-agency Field Manual on Sexual and Reproductive Health in Humanitarian Settings (2018), providing information related specifically to newborn care during the neonatal period (days 0-28). The interim Field Guide was originally published in 2015. After field-testing in two humanitarian crises (South Sudan and Somalia) and soliciting extensive feedback from practitioners, it was revised in 2017 and published in January 2018. The Field Guide has been designed as an enhancement to national
strategies and programs aimed at improving the lives of newborns and their mothers, and to strategies such as the Every Newborn Action ABOUTNewborn Health in Humanitarian Settings: Field Guide 9 Plan (ENAP).1 We encourage its use in advocacy and strengthening efforts of existing country programs for newborn care, regardless of whether such programs were developed in response to humanitarian crises or as permanent systems during times of stability. The Field Guide can also be used for the development of the neonatal component of national emergency preparedness and response plans. Our ultimate aim is to improve the survival and wellbeing of newborns in humanitarian settings.