Dive Deeper into the Issues
The maternal and newborn health community is challenged by information overload and a lack of availability of clear, succinct, evidence-based information available to them in one place. The following pages highlight key information and resources related to critical MNH topics.

Measuring progress towards global MNH targets is only possible when countries are able to reliably count all maternal and newborn deaths and stillbirths and track additional EPMM and ENAP targets. However, in many settings, measurement systems are not able to reliably capture and generate data needed to monitor global MNH targets. Discover resources that may be useful for maternal and newborn health stakeholders, including policy-makers, program managers, advocates, researchers, public health practitioners and others to learn more about measurement for MNH. Learn more about MNH Metrics & Measurement. Learn more about MNH Metrics & Measurement.

Explore resources related to provision of care, experience of care, and respectful care. This collection addresses the quality of MNH care broadly and overall, and it focuses on key and emerging evidence, experience, and guidance related to communication, women’s experience of care, respect, preservation of dignity, and the need for emotional support. Learn more about quality of care.

Discover key resources to help prevent, detect, and manage postpartum hemorrhage (PPH), the leading cause of maternal mortality globally. This collection of resources includes key and emerging evidence on PPH, global recommendations and guidelines, and implementation tools and resources to improve PPH prevention and treatment. Learn more about postpartum hemorrhage.

Discover key evidence on the global burden of stillbirth, resources related to ending preventable stillbirth, global recommendations and guidance on ending preventable stillbirth, country experiences, and implementation resources and tools to support country implementation. Includes linked materials on respectful care, quality of care, and maternal and perinatal death surveillance and response. Learn more about stillbirth.

Discover resources related to the prevalence of common perinatal mental disorders (CMPDs), implementation approaches, strategies for integration into healthcare services, country experiences, and advocacy materials for women and families coping with mental health conditions. Learn more about maternal mental health.

Newborns who are born too early, too small, or who become sick in the first few weeks of life are extremely vulnerable and require special attention and care. Significant advances have been made in the last 20 years with establishing essential newborn care, but the same strides have not been made with advancing small and sick newborn care, and this is the group we must focus on now to achieve global targets. Learn more and find recommendations on interventions to improve preterm birth outcomes and standards for caring for small and sick newborns. Learn more about small and sick newborns.