Formed at an international conference in 1980, the International Marcé Society for Perinatal Mental Health supports and promotes research on prenatal and postpartum mental health for mothers, fathers, and babies. The society is multidisciplinary and includes psychiatrists, psychologists, pediatricians, obstetricians, midwives, nurses, early childhood specialists, and consumer advocacy and self-help groups. Resources include a range scientific content for researchers, clinicians, and consumers worldwide, with the overall aim is to incorporate research into all aspects of mental health of women, men/partners, infants, and their families through pregnancy through the first two years after childbirth. In addition, Regional Groups, are a branch of the society working toward same goal within a specific area. Members can collaborate, share information, and build relationships with colleagues within the same geographic area or who share a common language. Regions include North America, South America, Africa-and more.