Each year, nearly two million infants are stillborn, and almost as many children die within their first month of life as do within their first five years. And, despite a decline in maternal mortality over the past decades, there were still nearly 300,000 maternal deaths in 2017, most of them in sub-Saharan Africa and Southeast Asia. Clearly, a focus on the mother-baby dyad and the complementary needs of mother and child is critical. With only 10 years left to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG)-era targets, there is an urgent need to accelerate progress toward improved maternal and newborn health outcomes and prevention of stillbirths. The MNH community must come together to address entrenched obstacles such as inequities in service delivery, low coverage of cost-effective interventions such as exclusive and early initiation of breastfeeding, and lack of quality care, including respectful maternal care. Read more.