Respectful Care

Debate, discuss, and learn

This section offers information related to additional partners, forums, or resources for continued learning and discussion about the provision of high quality MNH care.

Commentaries and editorials

Blog posts

Opportunities to debate, discuss and learn more

  • The Maternal Health Task Force prepared a summary of the history of the RMC movement, as well as a curated collection of key papers, recent publications, news, organizations, videos, projects, and events here.   
  • URC’s HEARD project has a collection of resources on woman-centered respectful care here. This collection includes an interactive database with contact information for organizations, their region of work, and the areas of work that are relevant to the RMC Charter. The map allows you to search for potential partners based on your region and area of interest, as well as to share documents and research with your organization(s) of interest.   
  • The Birth Place Lab, in the Division of Midwifery at the University of British Columbia, facilitates multi-disciplinary and community-based participatory research on high quality maternity health care across birth settings. The Birth Place Lab also supports multi-national, multi-disciplinary teams of researchers as they collaborate on both quantitative and qualitative research projects around health services, experience of care, provider attitudes, interprofessional collaboration, and access to physiologic birth across birth settings.