Establishing Inpatient Care
Lessons Learned to Inform Quality of Care for Small and Sick Newborns
Although the Every Newborn Action Plan coverage targets 2020–2025 have specific national and subnational targets for coverage of care for small and sick newborns (i.e., > 80% of districts have at least one level 2 inpatient unit to provide respiratory support for small and sick newborns, including positive airway pressure), much of the evidence is hard to find and there is a major gap for how to provide this care, especially across varying contexts. This session started with a presentation of the state of the evidence and an introduction to the NEST360° Implementation Toolkit for Small and Sick Newborn Care—a collaborative global resource to help identify existing gaps in evidence and implementation.
This is followed by a country-led panel discussion with key maternal and newborn stakeholders from Ethiopia, India, Malawi, and Rwanda, centered around country case study findings. Panelists discussed specific strategies used, the innovations required in each setting, the role of the built environment in providing quality care, and their vision for achieving the new standards of care for small and sick newborns. This session provided a timely opportunity to share these learnings and help inform the development of models to operationalize the small and sick newborn standards of care in countries that are embarking on this journey.

Moderator: Dr. Cyril Engmann, Senior Director/Attending Neonatologist/Professor of Pediatrics & Public Health, University of Washington/PATH

Moderator: Dr. Patricia Coffey, Director, PATH

Panelists include:
Dr. Kiersten Israel-Ballard
Maternal, Newborn Child Health & Nutrition Team Lead
Dr. David Gathara
NEST360 Health Systems Lead, LSTHM
Dr. Bogale Worku
Executive Director
Ethiopian Pediatrics Society
Dr. Sushma Nangia
Director, Professor, and Head, Neonatology
Lady Hardinge Medical College & Kalawati Saran Children’s Hospital
Dr. Queen Dube
Chief of Health Services
Ministry of Health Malawi
Dr. Assumpta Kayinamura Mwali
Senior RMNCH Specialist
Intrahealth International
Ms. Kimberly Mansen
Senior Nutrition Officer, PATH
Nest360 Implementation Toolkit for Small and Sick Newborn Care
neoLens Project
Featured Resources
State of the Evidence and the Implementation Gap for Small and Sick Newborns (NEST360)
Ending Preventable Newborn Deaths and Stillbirths
Survive and Thrive: Transforming Care for Every Small and Sick Newborn
Saving Newborn Lives: Program Brief
Implementation Toolkit for Small and Sick Newborn Care (publication date: TBA)
neoLENS Project (publication date: TBA)