What Works to Strengthen Gender Equality and Empower Women in Fragile Contexts?
- Oct 28, 2021 @ 8:00am - 9:30am
- Webinar
- International Initiative for Impact Evaluation
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Women in fragile and conflict-affected settings (FCAS) remain particularly vulnerable and are often left out of decision-making processes. Gender-specific and gender transformative interventions in FCAS aim to address this challenge, but do they work? Gender-transformative interventions that target the right beneficiaries and are implemented with the context in mind are key to realizing the goals of women’s empowerment, gender equality and building more peaceful and inclusive societies. To help identify the approaches that can improve women’s status in these settings and inform the Women, Peace and Security agenda, 3ie is launching a new BMZ-funded systematic review that synthesizes the evidence on the effectiveness of 14 types of gender-sensitive and gender-transformative interventions in FCAS. This edition of the Evidence Dialogues will bring together experts who will discuss the review’s findings and deliberate on what else can be done to increase impact and production of evidence on this important subject.