The Silent Burden: Maternal Mental Health and the Importance of Engaging Faith Actors
- Feb 3, 2022 @ 8:00am
- Webinar
- USAID MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership
- Register

Mental health lacks proper attention in the health sector, both in funding and response, despite its high prevalence rate. The perinatal period is a particularly crucial time to address mental health concerns as it is associated with an elevated risk of mental disorders.
In low- and middle-income countries (LMIC), faith leaders have a strong influence on behavior and faith-based organizations (FBOs) provide a notable share of healthcare services. At the same time, stigma and harmful traditional practices sometimes masquerade as faith-related and may be perpetuated by religious leaders and faith communities. With 84% of the world’s population affiliated with a religion, engaging faith communities in addressing mental health issues, including maternal mental health (MMH), is crucial.
Join us February 3rd to learn about results from a landscape assessment of faith actors and FBO involvement in maternal mental health. We’ll also continue the discussion from the global technical consultation on MMH held in September 2021. Faith actors and FBOs can make a difference in countries and on the global stage in vastly improving maternal mental health. CCIH is proud to be a partner on USAID’s MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership and will be participating in this webinar.