Malaria SBC Evidence Discussion: Prevention and Pregnancy Outcomes
- Mar 30, 2022 @ 9:00am
- Webinar
- HNN | Save the Children
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The prevalence of malaria in pregnancy remains high in Nigeria, particularly in Borno state. Unfortunately, the prevalence of behaviors that prevent malaria in pregnancy, such as attending antenatal care to take intermittent preventive treatment and sleeping under an insecticide-treated net, remains low. The article, Improving malaria preventive practices and pregnancy outcomes through a health education intervention: A randomized controlled trial, describes the evaluation of an intervention, based on the Information-Motivation-Behavioral skills model, that increased use of insecticide-treated nets and uptake of intermittent preventive treatment. Moderators will begin with a brief description of the approach, and then participants will be invited to discuss results and implications for future SBC programming, data collection, and data use.