Ensuring the Delivery of Essential Health Services during the COVID19 Pandemic: A WASH and Infection Prevention Response Across Five Countries
- Jun 8, 2022 @ 9:00am
- Webinar
- USAID | Momentum
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Beginning in August 2020, USAID’s MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership provided rapid technical and capacity development assistance to local health networks in Bangladesh, Ghana, India, Sierra Leone, and Uganda. Improved facility readiness in water sanitation and hygiene (WASH) and infection prevention and control (IPC) helped to ensure the continued delivery of essential reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health (RMNCH) services.
Please join us for this MOMENTUM Country and Global Leadership webinar on June 8th to learn about and discuss successes, challenges, and recommendations from this work to inform future WASH and IPC efforts in health care facilities and quality improvement programming.