Guiding Principles
The AlignMNH online platform follows key guiding principles for content selection. The guiding principles are as follows:
1. Content aligns with AlignMNH mission, goal, and core values. Content:
a. Is respectful towards all individuals, groups, organizations, governments or other named entities.
b. Does not promote or sell goods or products, or attempt to solicit funding.
c. Promotes open and constructive dialogue about success, challenges, and implementation realities.
2. Content fits within AlignMNH technical and cross-cutting content areas. Topics will vary by country context, including, but not limited to:
a. Cross-cutting thematic areas such as Clinical Service Delivery; Experience of Care/Quality of Care; Data Measurement, and Evidence; Health Workforce.
b. Prevention and management of the leading causes of maternal and newborn mortality and morbidity and stillbirths, along the continuum of care.
3. Content strives to include diverse voices and perspectives.
4. Content is technically sound. It is in line with best practice guidance for a given technical area, or provides credible new or promising evidence to further a relevant MNH area of inquiry.
5. Content type may include research, practice guidelines, publications, promising practices, case studies, experience-sharing/ lessons learned, implementation guidance, published manuscripts, and educational materials that meet other selection criteria outlined in this guidance. It may also include personal stories or testimonials and opinion pieces/ commentaries that align with technically sound guidance/ approaches.
6. Content meets minimum accessibility requirements including accessible on all kinds of devices including phones, tablets, and desktop computers, section 508 compliant , on a secure webpage (https), and open to the public or free membership without a hard pay wall.
For most of the content in the Knowledge Hub, we will link directly to resources on partner websites in order to amplify their work and avoid duplication of existing resources.