Guidelines for mother–baby friendly birthing facilities have been developed by the FIGO Safe Motherhood and Newborn Health (SMNH) Committee in collaboration with colleagues from the International Confederation of Midwives, White Ribbon Alliance, the International Pediatrics Association, and the World Health Organization (WHO). FIGO announces the launch of this new initiative to promote active involvement by professional associations, governments, nongovernmental organizations, and civil society to improve quality of care and reduce abuse, neglect, and extortion of childbearing women in facilities. This initiative was approved by the FIGO Executive Board in July 2014 and will use 10 criteria and 10 sets of indicators to help to assure that women and families are treated with respect and dignity, as well as afforded evidence-based maternity care in facilities. This initiative was inspired by the WHO/UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative and was grounded philosophically and ethically in the Charter on the Universal Rights of Childbearing Women.