Closing Plenary and Closing Remarks

The Road Ahead: Collective Action to Accelerate Progress—Improving MNH Outcomes while Providing People-Centered Care 

Dr. Tlaleng Mofokeng provided the Closing Remarks on Day One of the Opening Forum.

The closing plenary from Day Two looked at  Ending Preventable  Maternal  Mortality  and  the Every Newborn Action Plan coverage targets, milestones, and measurements from global, national, and community perspectives, and highlight voices from the What Women Want campaign run by the White Ribbon Alliance. Panelists addressed questions around how the MNH community can come together to track progress, shared successes, and supported one another to address challenges and accelerate positive change. Later on, to end our two-day Forum, we heard from Dr. Jeffery Smith, Ms. Anita Gibson, and Dr. Aparajita Gogoi who provided closing remarks and a look ahead.

Moderator: Dr. David Ntirushwa, Obstetricians and Gynecology,
Centre Hospitalier Universitaire de Kigali, Rwanda

Speakers include:
Dr. Allisyn Moran
Maternal Health Unit Head
World Health Organization

Ms. Angela Nguku

Executive Director
White Ribbon Alliance Kenya

Dr. Jeffrey Smith
Deputy Director
Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

Ms. Anita Gibson
AlignMNH Secretariat

Dr. Aparajita Gogoi
Executive Director
Centre for Catalyzing Change


Aligning Global Efforts on MNH: WHO on behalf of ENAP and EPMM
What Women Want Campaign

Featured Resources

Ending Preventable Maternal Mortality targets and strategies
Every Newborn Action Plan
What Women Want Campaign