Driving quality of care at the facility level: learning with humility, acting with intensity
- Aug 30, 2022 @ 8:00am - 9:00am
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The ultimate aim of quality improvement efforts is to deliver quality at the point of care. Therefore, actions taken at the health facility level are crucial for enhancing overall health care quality and quality improvement interventions in primary, secondary or tertiary health facilities play an important role in improving health outcomes.
Join us as we hear from speakers in India, Kenya and Scotland about interventions that have helped to improve quality of care at the facility level. Speakers from the three countries will reflect on specific interventions, discuss the lessons learnt and challenges encountered while implementing them, and suggest a pathway forward for health facilities interested or already involved in quality improvement.
This webinar is the second in the series of WHO Global Quality Rounds. We hope that these Quality Rounds will provide a virtual forum to allow individuals from across the world to connect and share experiences on quality of care, challenge each other and spark possible solutions to shared challenges.